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Ink & Toner Finder

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Ask us to Change/Cancel an order:

• If you have ordered incorrectly or have changed your mind, we want to try to catch your order before it ships. We provide this form so that you can alert us if you wish to change or cancel your order. This is a high-priority communication.
• Please understand that even if you are making this request immediately after placing your order, there is a chance we may not be able to catch it in time. Please include your contact information below so that we can keep you informed regarding the status of your request.

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Or call us at:
1-800-INKFARM (1-800-465-3276)
M-F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDT              Inc, Ink Cartridge - Refill & Sales, Seattle, WA BBB Rating: A+

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